Product Analysis

Three key components form the technical backbone of BlazingCDN:

Tier 1 IP Transit network from NTT Modern all-powerful servers with NVMe-only drives Servers in Equinix datacenters

Also, one of the advantages of BlazingCDN is its formidable internet channels (2×25 Gbps) at each edge server’s Point of Presence (PoP). Due to the sheer quantity and strength of the servers, every client has more than 3Tbps summary channel capacity at their disposal, which is many times higher when compared to a separate server, or VDS (100 Mbps – 1 Gbps). Because of that, there is no single point of failure if, let’s say, a lot of user requests overload the channel. DDOS just isn’t a possibility when you have a system like that. Last but not least, Blazing’s integrated object storage as a CDN content source enables the retention of massive unstructured data amounts. If you’re confused: it’s used for storing images and videos on social media platforms, songs on Spotify, files in, for example, Dropbox, and so on. With BlazingCND’s object storage, it’s feasible to store as much as you want, and even more.


BlazingCDN’s pricing model is a positive rarity in our modern cutthroat business world. Just check out the cost compared to all other providers – while being the cheapest solution, Blazing often outperforms even the most established services. It’s not hard to understand that the majority of CDN users are oblivious to how the big providers overprice their products (sometimes as high as 50x to service’s actual cost). The best price is not the only thing that BlazingCDN offers you as a cost-incentive benefit. The other key ones are:

No long-term contracts. Big companies tend to entail their users with unnecessary features that only make the clients’ lives harder. Moreover, they push the said clients into signing a long contract to disable them from being able to move on. Blazing’s policy is that predatory tactics such as these have no place in modern B2B and B2C relations, and so far, they’ve kept their word to the fullest.

A universal rate for all regions (America, Asia, Europe). BlazingCDN, One of the biggest CDN customers’ pain points is the pricing in Asia, often so high that operating a business there becomes unbearable. has completely solved this issue with a worldwide fixed price per GB, irreversibly changing the game rules for the better.

BlazingCDN Pay As You Go (PAYG) system without subscription fees. has designed a system that solely focuses on customer convenience. Low barrier to entry, 0% commitment, paying precisely for what you want and how much you want – what could be possibly better?

Personalized terms for 25TB+/month traffic. As the customer is always in the first place, BlazingCDN is only happy to deliver a set of customized individual solutions for clients that require them.


BlazingCDN is not just another cheap CDN option. Their proven PR management with an amazing customer support team ensures the most pleasant user experience. At the same time, the service’s content storage and delivery performance make it the absolute best CDN in price/quality ratio by a stretch. Just try them out – you’ll see what I’m talking about.

BlazingCDN Service Overview   Cybers Guards - 3BlazingCDN Service Overview   Cybers Guards - 4