The restaurant chain said that on Thursday in November.28 through its information security monitoring processes, it identified unusual activities on its network. “When we identified the problem, we started working with Mandiant, a leading cyber security company, to understand the scope of the incident and to determine whether there was unauthorized access to it,” the company told customers in a notice. “Mandiant reported on 30 November 2018 that it detected unauthorized access to our point of sale systems, exposing some of the data of our customers.” The company did not say how many customers might have been affected by the breach. Mandiant said that he worked with the company to contain the breach and “ensure that unauthorized access was immediately stopped.” “We are confident that the breach was contained at this time, ” said the company. Customers who visited Bruegger’s headquarters in any company, including 24 in New York, between August. 28, 2018, December. 3, 2018, their name and credit card information–including card number, expiry date and security code–could have been accessed as a result of the infringement. Payments made via Bruegger’s Bagel Inner Circle accounts or any customer loyalty accounts of the company have not been affected, the company said. In addition, catering orders placed online with Einstein Bros, Bruegger’s Bagels. The breach did not affect Bagels, Manhattan Bagel, and Noah’s NY Bagels, he said. Bruegger said that the violation continued to be investigated and was in contact with the FBI. “Please be assured that we monitor our systems, data and access to our accounts closely, as we always do, ” the notice said. ” We also make the necessary changes to strengthen our network against future attacks and to improve our payment systems to protect your information in the future. “Customers were advised to review a list of potentially affected locations and to review their credit and debit card statements for any unauthorized fees.” Please contact your debit or credit card company if you think you have been affected to report potential unauthorized activity, “he said. Below is a list of companies which may be affected by the breach: Brueggers Bagels Locations on Scribd