It’s all about insurance in Connecticut. Connecticut ranks first in the nation in terms of per capita insurance jobs, with 2.7 percent of all working adults employed in any capacity by the insurance industry. Those jobs are typically well-paying, well above the national average, and they support both the workers and the economy. The insurance sector is expected to add $14 billion to Connecticut’s GSP per year (Gross State Product). Connecticut is known for supplying America’s military as well as being the country’s insurance city. The Navy recently awarded Electric Boat (a division of General Electric) a $22 billion contract. Electric Boat will build nine new submarines under the terms of the deal, each at a cost of just under $2.5 billion. These submarines will be the most advanced models ever designed, and the details of their design will be kept under wraps. China is well-known for “borrowing” military plans, a practice that the US would like to stop. What do insurance and naval construction have in common, though? The reason is simple: there is a high demand for cybersecurity professionals. Banking losses can be in the hundreds of millions of dollars as cybercrime becomes more sophisticated. That’s a big number on its own, but when you add it all up, the numbers are even bigger. According to one study, “by 2021, cybercrime would cost the world $6 trillion annually.” With such high stakes, insurance firms are compelled to press for improved cybersecurity both inside their own companies and among the companies they insure. And the possibility of China gaining access to secret military documents is a serious threat. In conclusion, whether it’s safeguarding top-secret nuclear submarine plans or safeguarding corporate properties, cybersecurity is important. Connecticut, thankfully, has taken a positive approach to combat cybercrime.

Cybersecurity in Connecticut

For instance, Connecticut is eager to ensure that foreign powers can not affect the 2020 election. Connecticut will use $5 million set aside for that reason to ensure the fairness of the voting process. “We want to make sure that we can do whatever we can to make this the smoothest election we’ve ever had,” Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill said. This includes stopping cyberattacks and educating Connecticut voters about the ins and outs of election fraud. Connecticut has its own Cyber Task Force in addition to voter fraud monitoring. The task force’s FBI Special Agent in Charge, Patricia M. Ferrick, had this to say about the party. “The Connecticut Cyber Task Force will discuss Connecticut’s dramatic rise in the number and frequency of cyber-attacks. — We hope that this task force will have a positive effect and help to better protect Connecticut residents from the ever-changing criminal risks posed by the internet.” Finally, Connecticut has developed a robust cybersecurity action plan to educate people on best cybersecurity practices and how to respond in the event of a cyberattack. “We must put particular emphasis on resolving the cybersecurity skills gap in our workforce, estimated to be over 4,000 unfilled jobs,” the report says. Such positions have gone unfilled, and as cybercrime becomes more prevalent, the demand for cybersecurity technicians in Connecticut will only grow. There has never been a better time to earn a cybersecurity degree.


Campus-based cybersecurity associate degrees in Connecticut

A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for most cybersecurity jobs. For the right individual, however, a low-cost associate’s degree that can be completed in two years might be a good fit. In Connecticut, there are currently two campus-based options.

A.S. in Computer Networking: Cybersecurity Option is available at Capital Community College. A.S. in Computer Security is available at Norwalk Community College.


A bachelor’s degree is the minimum level of education needed for most people interested in working in the cybersecurity industry. Students can learn how to detect and remediate a variety of cybersecurity risks in a four-year bachelor’s program. Additional classes, such as English literature, algebra, or statistics, are available to students.

Campus-based cybersecurity bachelor’s degree in Connecticut

Connecticut currently offers three cybersecurity bachelor’s degree programs on campus. For more statistics, please see the table below.

Cybersecurity Bachelor’s Programs in Connecticut

Online cybersecurity bachelor’s degree in Connecticut

Students with online degrees have more versatility, which is particularly helpful for those who plan to work and study at the same time. In Connecticut, there are actually two online bachelor’s degree programs.

A Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security is available at Charter Oak State College. A Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems – Cybersecurity is available at Post University.


A master’s degree makes it easier to find jobs, and master’s degree holders usually receive more than bachelor’s degree holders. A master’s degree also unlocks doors. A master’s degree may be required for higher-level positions within an organization, making it the degree of choice for those aspiring to upper management.

Campus-based cybersecurity master’s degrees in Connecticut

In Connecticut, there are four campus-based cybersecurity master’s degree programs. The table below contains additional details.

Cybersecurity Master’s Programs in Connecticut

Online cybersecurity master’s degrees in Connecticut

Connecticut is unique in that it offers a variety of online master’s degree programs. Since several states do not offer graduate degrees online, Connecticut is an excellent choice for those interested in earning a master’s degree online. The following are the two master’s degrees available online.

Quinnipiac University offers a Cyber Security Master’s degree online. A Master of Science in Investigations – Digital Forensics is available at the University of New Haven.


A certification will help an applicant get a better job or give them a new skill set that may be needed in their industry.

Campus-based cybersecurity certification programs

In Connecticut, there are a half-dozen campus-based cybersecurity certification programs. For more statistics, please see the table below.

Cybersecurity Certification Programs in Connecticut

Online cybersecurity certification programs

The University of New Haven in Connecticut offers two cybersecurity certification programs online.

A Certificate in Cybercrime Investigations A Certificate in Digital Forensics Investigations

Cybersecurity jobs in Connecticut

In Connecticut, there are about 3,500 work openings for cybersecurity technicians. There are more open positions than eligible applicants to fill them in California, as in any other state in the country. In Connecticut, cybersecurity technicians with a degree from an accredited university should have no trouble finding jobs. According to CyberSeek, the state’s cybersecurity workforce is in short supply.

Cybersecurity in Connecticut

Connecticut is a cybersecurity role model, with a secretary of state who believes deeply in cybersecurity and hundreds of educational programs for potential students. It also helps that there are thousands of open positions and insufficient eligible applicants to fill them. Because of the rule of supply and demand, cybersecurity technicians in Connecticut have a diverse range of job opportunities. A cybersecurity technician should expect to earn well above the national average, whether they work in insurance, shipbuilding, or any of Connecticut’s other fine industries.