You’ll probably want to fix the Google calendar iOS issue as soon as possible, as failing to do so will result in missed appointments and a bit of a schedule jumble. Fortunately, there are a few options for getting your Google Calendar to sync with your iPhone.

In the iPhone Calendar App, enable Google Calendar.

Multiple calendars can be managed and handled using the basic iOS Calendar app. Many of your online accounts that you use on your device have calendars available. If your Google calendar isn’t showing up and isn’t syncing with your iPhone, double-check that your calendar is enabled in the app. It’s simple to check your iPhone’s Calendar app to see if it’s true.

Ensure that Calendar Sync is turned on in the settings.

You can choose what you want to sync from your Google account to your iPhone and what you don’t want to sync from your Google account to your iPhone on your iPhone. You should double-check that Google calendar sync is turned on. If it isn’t, you’ll need to give it permission to update your iPhone’s Google calendar.

If some of your Google calendars sync with your iPhone but not others, there is a link you may use to fix the problem. The issue isn’t with your device or anything else; instead, you need to enable a setting before all of your calendars will sync to your iPhone. Only the calendars in My calendars on Google will sync by default. You can, however, use the procedures below to enable other calendars to sync as well. Open your computer’s browser and navigate to the magical Google calendars link. To save your settings, checkmark all of the calendars you want to sync to your iPhone and then click Save.

Examine Your Internet Service

Because the sync method relies on your Internet connection, ensure sure your iPhone is capable of sending and receiving data through it. If you have an Internet problem, you must first resolve it before syncing any services on your device. Open a web browser and go to a website like Google or Yahoo to see if your Internet is working. If they don’t open, it’s possible that your router or Internet Service Provider is at blame (ISP). It’s ideal if you contact them to find out the status of your connection and, if necessary, to resolve any concerns.

Re-enter your Google account information on your iPhone.

Sometimes the problem appears for no obvious reason, and one solution is to deactivate your Google account from your iPhone and then re-add it. It’ll make the servers sync the calendars with your iPhone, and it might just work.

Obtain information from your Google account

You have several alternatives for syncing your material with your accounts on your iPhone. Changing from one option to another might sometimes fix the sync problem and get your Google calendars to sync with your iPhone again.

Make Google Calendar your primary calendar.

If you have another calendar configured as your iPhone’s default calendar, you may want to change it to the Google calendar. It’s worth a shot to see if it fixes the Google calendar for iOS sync problem on your phone.

Your sync problem should now be resolved.

If you rely on your Google calendar for all of your appointments and schedules, the iOS Google calendar not syncing issue can be a serious problem. Fortunately, there are a few options for resolving the problem and synchronizing your calendars with your iPhone. Have you ever had this problem with your iPhone? So, how did you get around it? We’d like to hear what fixes you utilized, and you can tell us in the comments section below!