Such is online recruitment, also known as e-recruitment, searching for candidates on the Internet using various tools. It is not limited to the search itself. You can also attract, select, recruit and onboard job candidates from all over the world. Moreover, you can use these web-methods by yourself or ask some recruitment agency to help you. The choice is yours.

How e-recruitment Works

First, you attract the candidates. Involve as many applicants as possible using various channels described below. Second, sort everyone. You have different ways to do that, from online testing to video interviews. It is the technical part regarding hard skills from every candidate. Also, you might need the help of an expert to check some technical tasks completed. Third, contact the candidate. The chosen ones have to be interviewed quickly. If not, you risk losing them to another competitor company. Fourth, close the deal. Done, you’re a perfect e-recruiter, continue with the next step from the beginning.

E-recruitment details

E-recruiting consists of several main principles every recruiter should know.

1. Job boards.

These are the sources bringing around half of all the applicants. You can both post a position and wait for the candidates to answer or mine CVs by yourself. Keep in mind that the more popular the job board is, the more cost of vacancy posting will be. Moreover, some local job boards may act more efficiently. For example, the job board from Ukraine charges only $10 for experienced candidates in Eastern Europe.

2. Employer’s Websites.

They provide 30% of company applicants. The thing is, you need them not just for your future employees, but to maintain your career brand. The larger your company, the more benefits you gain with your career website.

3. Internal databases.

How many top talents in industry exist in the world? In your country? In your native city? Not many, huh? Databases can solve this problem. Every time you need a new employee, look through potential candidates whose contacts you already have. It may be your chance to find the employee you need in a limited time.

4. Social media.

Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, bring much help to e-recruiters allowing them efficient access to new employees. As on job boards, you can deal with active and passive job seekers. Also, you can form a professional community to attract some users you would never reach with usual e-recruitment methods. And if you’re in a hurry, there are always paid ads ready to raise your search efficiency ASAP.

5. Applicant tracking.

Applicant tracking systems automate the recruitment process, reduce the routine and increase the chances to find qualified professionals more quickly.

6. Online testing.

You can learn about your future candidate’s hard and soft skills in a simple way giving him or her some tests to fill. It doesn’t replace the traditional job interview practice but facilitates the process.

E-recruitment pros and cons

Below are the advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment.

Advantages of online recruitment

– Less Time.

With all the automation tools and processes, e-recruitment is much faster than the traditional one (over 65 percent of the hiring time reduced). It’s not about the testing and interview but about the screening itself.

– More Candidates.

Traditional recruiting methods allow you to reach those who read your ads, such as newspaper readers, radio listeners, or TV viewers whose quantity decreases each day. However, job boards or social networks make your message available to more and more people.

– Wide Coverage.

With a remote option, this opportunity has a real chance to add more members to your team. You can find an online employee from any part of the world.

– More Speed.

Paid ads are much more efficient for those who want to close the job position quickly. With them, you may target even those applicants who are not available to find with usual means of recruitment.

– Economy.

Some people think that job advertisements in traditional media are cheaper than on the Internet. But when you look at the number of employees who may notice your job application, the benefit appears to be on the e-recruitment side. Moreover, you can target the exact group of professionals on the web — the opportunity you’ll never find in traditional ways of recruitment.

Disadvantages of e-recruitment

– More work

The more job applications you get, the more you have to work out. Automation instruments can help you but never manage all the work. You still have a lot of time to spend on these matters.

– Not for everyone

The senior professionals are usually satisfied with their positions and can’t often be reached with online means.

– Too impersonal

The whole e-recruitment process is built on endless simplifying. There’s no place for people’s relationships in it sometimes.

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So between the traditional and the online recruitment system, which one do you think is better in today’s world?