Each app has its own package name for Facebook, and as part of its package name, it has the “P-name.” The Facebook Messenger has Pname.com.facebook.orca, Pname.com.facebook.katana has the Facebook app and Pname.com.facebook.home has the Facebook home app as the name of the package. Another instance is the Android-based Yelp app called com.yelp.Android. Mainly, the name of the package is presumed to be the formal name of the package.name.com.yelp.android. Pname is the same as an acronym. Developers may choose to shorten it to Pname instead of writing Package.name.com.app, where the “P” stands for Package and the name means the app’s name. In a nutshell, the name of the app will follow immediately after the package’s “name” and “P” to be able to define the app or program.

What’s Pname about?

Pname is Hidden Always Yes, the names of packages are always hidden. The package names on applications are concealed by default because it is not anticipated to be edited by customers. However, follow the processes below to show the name of the application package on your mobile.

Go to your phone file manager Click the more option to the top-right Click Show Hidden Files

All hidden files including the name of the package of all apps on your phone, both the ones you can edit and the ones you cannot edit. No permanent deletion of the App Package Name Package name.com.app directory. Package names for apps are intended to automatically generate themselves once the parent app is still running. However, the applications concerned must be uninstalled in order to remove the package name entirely. For example, to remove or delete the name of the Facebook Package name.com.facebook.orca package, the Facebook Messenger app must be removed or completely uninstalled from the device concerned. However, once the app has been re-installed, the name of the package will be auto-created to help the app function fully.